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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Antitussive, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory activities of four caffeoylquinic acids isolated from Tussilago farfara Xu, Xiang-hong, Wu... 1,117
2 In vitro inhibitory effects of thymol and carvacrol on dendritic cell activation and function Amirghofran, Zahra, Ahmadi... 1,125
3 A flavonoid compound from Chrysosplenium nudicaule inhibits growth and induces apoptosis of the human stomach cancer cell line SGC-7901 Luo, Yanping, Yu... 1,133
4 Flavonol glycosides and other phenolic compounds from Viola tianshanica and their anti-complement activities Qin, Yan, Wen... 1,140
5 Effect of Hedyotis diffusa water extract on protecting human hepatocyte cells (LO2) from H2O2-induced cytotoxicity Li, Chang, Tang... 1,148
6 Resveratrol regulates oxidative biomarkers and antioxidant enzymes in the brain of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Sadi, Gokhan, Konat... 1,156
7 Ginger extract modulates Pb-induced hepatic oxidative stress and expression of antioxidant gene transcripts in rat liver Mohamed, Omnia Ismail, El-Nahas... 1,164
8 Metformin inhibits proliferation and proinflammatory cytokines of human keratinocytes in vitro via mTOR-signaling pathway Sun, Qing, Liu... 1,173
9 Isolation, characterization, and anthelminthic activities of a novel dichapetalin and other constituents of Dichapetalum filicaule Chama, Mary Anti, Dziwornu... 1,179
10 Inhibitory effect of TGF-beta peptide antagonist on the fibrotic phenotype of human hypertrophic scar fibroblasts Wang, Xiuxia, Gao... 1,189